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Documenting Number of Animals for Research & Teaching

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

IACUC Policy: 003-04, Effective Date: 10/2002, Last Revision: 02/18/2022


Federal regulations require the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to consider the number of animals proposed as part of the protocol review process to ensure the requested number is justified. Implicit in this expectation, is that the institution have a mechanism to monitor the subsequent number of animals used. This policy describes the requirements for documenting animal numbers. The number of animals used is automatically calculated for animals housed in University Laboratory and Animal Resources (ULAR) facilities with the exception of zebrafish or animals used prior to weaning. For all other situations, manual reporting is done by the Principal Investigator (PI).


  • Animal use: animals that undergo any type of activity for research, training, teaching, or testing. Activities conducted on animals prior to weaning are considered “animal use”; however, fetal or embryonic stages are exempt.


  • Manual reporting is required for animals not housed in ULAR facilities. This includes animals used in field studies; agriculture studies; and aquatic studies. Manual reporting is also required for animals used or culled prior to weaning and/or animals transferred temporarily outside protocol system (<24 hours) to another protocol for a procedure must also be reported on the second protocol (e.g. for imaging purposes).
  • The number of animals used on a protocol should be reported in eProtocol at the time of receipt or transfer to the IACUC protocol. The PI is responsible for monitoring the number and species of animals used to avoid exceeding the number approved in the IACUC protocol. An amendment must be submitted and approved to increase the number of animals allowed prior to use.

Applicable Regulations

Additional Information/Guidance

Revision History

  • 003-00 – new policy approved 10/2002
  • 003-01 – reformatted and revised approved 04/20/2012
  • 003-02 – revisions provide clarification for when manual reporting of animal numbers is required- approved 02/19/2016
  • 003-03 – information added to include temporary transfers of animals to another protocol- approved 02/15/2019
  • 003-04 – 3 year review. Strengthen language to manually report upon receipt. Grammar/formatting changes
Documenting Number of Animals for Research & Teaching