Documenting Number of Animals for Research & Teaching

IACUC Policy: 003-04, Effective Date: 10/2002, Last Revision: 02/18/2022


Federal regulations require the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to consider the number of animals proposed as part of the protocol review process to ensure the requested number is justified. Implicit in this expectation, is that the institution have a mechanism to monitor the subsequent number of animals used. This policy describes the requirements for documenting animal numbers. The number of animals used is automatically calculated for animals housed in University Laboratory and Animal Resources (ULAR) facilities with the exception of zebrafish or animals used prior to weaning. For all other situations, manual reporting is done by the Principal Investigator (PI).



Applicable Regulations

Additional Information/Guidance

Revision History

Article ID: 31
Created: April 30, 2024
Last Updated: May 17, 2024

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