Training Requirements for Personnel Working with Animals
Estimated Reading Time: 4 MinutesIACUC Policy: 027-05, Effective Date: 10/2002, Last Reviewed: 01/17/2025
This policy provides information about the training requirements that are in place at The Ohio State University to meet applicable regulations and guidelines as it pertains to animal use.
- Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program: CITI is a web-based training program used by many academic institutions, government agencies and commercial organizations in order to meet research regulatory requirements.
- Study team member: a study team member includes the principal investigator, co-investigators, and key personnel listed on an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol. Personnel listed only as an “Additional Contact” are not authorized to conduct any animal work under the protocol and do not have to complete IACUC training requirements.
Training Requirements
- Completion of the CITI Animal Usage Orientation Training (AUOT) course titled “Working with the IACUC” is required by study members and animal care personnel. The triennial refresher course is required by study team members covered by an Ohio State protocol used for research or teaching purposes. Training will be considered complete when all required modules have been reviewed and all quizzes completed with a cumulative score of 80% or greater. (The e-Protocol system will not allow submission of a protocol or a study team change until everyone listed as a study team member (including PI) completes the AUOT/refresher at least every 3 years. If a training has expired for longer than 60 days, the person will be removed from the protocol and not allowed to work with animals until the training has been completed.)
The course includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:- Working with the IACUC
- Federal Mandates
- Alternatives to Animal Use
- Avoiding Unnecessary Duplication
- Personnel Training and Experience
- Housing Social Animals
- Endpoint Criteria
- Euthanasia
- Reporting Animal Concerns
- Occupational Health and Safety, including:
- Using Hazardous/Toxic Agents in Animals
- Information about Ohio State’s Occupational Health Program
- Hazard Assessment
- Signs and Symptoms of Exposure
- Zoonoses
- Training and Experience Narrative: Prior animal experience and training should be described in an individual’s Experience and Training Narrative. If no prior experience, the plan for relevant training must be included.
- Do not include the AUOT in this narrative. The narrative is automatically uploaded into e-Protocol and applies to any protocol that the study team member may be listed on.
- Optional Training Courses: The training staff of the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge (ERIK) Attending Veterinarian provides free techniques courses and wet labs on both a regularly scheduled and/or as-needed basis. Topics covered include working with microisolator caging, general mouse handling, general rodent procedures, rodent survival surgery, etc. Specific training needs are arranged on an individual basis and include items such as stereotaxic surgery techniques.
- University Laboratory and Animal Resources (ULAR) facility training: In order to gain access to ULAR Facilities, the ULAR Introduction to Facility and Rodent Training Course must be taken. Contact to schedule the training.
- Principal Investigator (PI) responsibility: By submitting protocols and study team changes, the PI is providing assurance and taking responsibility that all research staff are appropriately qualified and trained.
Exemptions to Ohio State training requirements and requirements to be listed as a study team member in a protocol:
- Ohio State personnel working with animals strictly at an external institution/entity. (Note: training requirements of the external institution/entity would apply)
- Students handling animals as part of an approved university course or Continuing Education (CE) course.
- Personnel providing instruction in a course which utilizes animals where the instructor may change frequently. (Note: the instructional IACUC protocol must list the Ohio State job class (i.e. CVM resident/faculty in Internal Medicine) or professional credentials (Board certified internal medicine doctor).
- Non-Ohio State personnel who will be providing training for procedures on an Ohio State IACUC research protocol may submit documentation to the IACUC support team from their home IACUC indicating they have completed training and have authorization to work with animals at their home institution/entity. IACUC support team will consult with the ERIK Attending Veterinarian or designee prior to authorizing individuals. This approval is limited to personnel who will be at Ohio State for less than 1 week and does not require the individual be added to the Ohio State protocol.
Applicable Regulations
- Animal Welfare Act and Regulations
- Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Eighth Edition
- AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals
- Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals, Fourth Edition
Revision History
- 027-00 – new policy approved 10/2002
- 027-01 – revised to provide information for the online course and to describe who is required to complete the course approved 11/16/2012
- 027-02 – revised to indicate that using the CITI online training program and to provide option for alternative to the online training course. Approved 03/27/2015
- 027-03 – revised to include information about training narrative and clarify requirements for temporary visitors. Plan of action indicated if expired training not completed within specified time. Approved 01/19/2018; reviewed and approved with no changes 12.18.2020
- 027-04 – Revised to change ORRP to IACUC Support Office and changed removal from protocols for CITI training being expired 365 days to 60 days. Approved 12/15/2023
- 027-05 – Revised to clarify which personnel to take the triennial refresher course