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Use of IACUC Animal Holding Protocol

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes

IACUC Policy: 037-05, Effective Date: 11/01/2009, Last Revision: 04/19/2024


Animal use activities at The Ohio State University adhere to federal regulations and must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC Animal Holding Protocol was established to temporarily cover the care of animals that otherwise would not be on an IACUC-approved protocol.


IACUC Holding Protocol Situations

  • Animals from an expired or terminated protocol.
  • Animals on a protocol that has been suspended or under investigation for potential non-compliance issues where the welfare or well-being of the animals are in question.
  • Animals from investigators new to the university that do not have an IACUC-approved protocol but need immediate housing of animals at Ohio State. This can include the purchase of animals to help maintain the lines of incoming investigators.
  • Animals from investigators leaving Ohio State, but do not have the necessary approvals to transfer animals to the new institution/entity.

IACUC Holding Protocol Transfer Process

  • Internal transfers: Transfer of Ohio State animals onto or off the Holding Protocol will be initiated by the IACUC.
    • Notification to Principal Investigator (PI): The IACUC will inform the PI regarding activities that can be conducted on the holding protocol (see IACUC Holding Protocol Limitations).
    • Notification to Dedicated Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP) Animal Facility: IACUC will notify appropriate facility personnel when animals are transferred to the Holding Protocol to have them assist in placing Holding Protocol notices on cages/racks/room as applicable.
  • External transfers: Transfer of animals to or from another institution will be initiated by the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge (ERIK) attending veterinarian team.
    • Incoming PIs that plan to breed animals: New Investigators moving animals from another institution to Ohio State, will need to perform an extra step before animals can be bred. A description of the purpose of the study and why breeding is necessary to accomplish the goal(s) must be submitted to the IACUC. Alternatively, new investigators can provide a copy of their animal use protocol breeding justification from their originating institution. This description will be reviewed by the IACUC Chair for approval to breed on the Holding Protocol.
  • Funding of animals: The Principal Investigator or study team member must provide a WorkTag not associated with external funding for billing of per diem charges, unless funding of animals on a Holding Protocol is allowed by the sponsor. These new WorkTags must be provided to the IACUC team.
  • Adding study team members to the Holding Protocol: The PI or study team member must make a request to the IACUC to add study team members to the holding protocol if they will be providing for the care of the animals.
  • Location of animals: Any animal transferred to the Holding Protocol will be moved to a dedicated animal facility if possible. If animals cannot be housed in a dedicated facility, they may remain in the satellite housing area. If animals are housed in a satellite housing area, then study team members who will provide husbandry care to animals must be listed on the Holding Protocol.
    • Note: Animals transferred to the Holding Protocol and remaining in satellite housing locations still incur the limitations of work on the Holding Protocol.
  • Adding experimental diets to the Holding Protocol: The PI or study team member must make a request to the IACUC if a specialized diet is needed for continuity of the research, or health of the animals. In most cases, an amendment to the Holding Protocol must be made to obtain IACUC approval for use of the specialized diet.
  • Administrative actions: Administrative activities such as animal ordering/transfers, personnel additions/deletions, and amendment creation/revision/withdrawal on the Holding Protocol must be coordinated through the IACUC.

IACUC Holding Protocol Limitations

  • Maintenance/husbandry of animals: Animal care including provision of approved special diets/water may be done by dedicated facility personnel or study team members of the Holding Protocol.
  • Usage for research: Animals cannot be used for research, instructional purposes or testing while on the IACUC Holding Protocol.
  • Euthanasia and tissue collection: Animals must not be euthanized for research purposes. If euthanasia for standard care must be performed, then the procedure will be conducted by dedicated animal care staff or members of the holding protocol study team. No tissue may be utilized from animals that are euthanized specifically for tissue collection under the IACUC Holding Protocol.
  • Necessary special diets or oral medications: Special diets or necessary medications may continue to be provided to the animals while on the Holding Protocol under veterinary oversight.
  • Veterinarian care: The attending veterinarian and veterinary staff have full discretion and authority for all veterinary treatment and euthanasia of animals on the Holding Protocol.
  • Time on Holding Protocol: The IACUC team will initiate a review of animals remaining on the holding protocol for over 60 days and notify the IACUC Chair and ERIK attending veterinarian to determine if ongoing use of the holding protocol is appropriate. 

Applicable Regulations

Revision History

  • 037-00 – New policy approved 11/01/2009
  • 037-01 – Added information about requirements for new investigators requesting breeding 04/19/2013
  • 037-02 – Removed time limit for animals allowed on holding protocol 05/16/2014
  • 037-03 – Added clarification for requirement if special feed and water is needed. Removed a restriction for breeding pairs. Reformat; approved 06/19/2015
  • 037-04 – Removed language regarding the release of animals in quarantine. Clarified procedures regarding internal transfers and external transfers. Reformat; approved 4/20/2018
  • 037-05 – Removed ordering animals as a situation for when the holding protocol can be used. Changed reference from ULAR to dedicated animal facilities to capture all potential facilities. Updated chart field to WorkTag. Added clarification on use of tissues from euthanized animals. 04/16/2021
  • 037-06 – Added the ability to order animals to maintain lines.  Removed the need for approval of the IACUC Chair in regard to initiating transfers for animals from other institutions. Clarify the process of review for the animals on the Holding Protocol greater than 60 days. 4/19/2024
Use of IACUC Animal Holding Protocol