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Movement of Animals Outside the Animal Housing Location

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes

IACUC Policy: 051-05, Effective Date: 10/28/2013, Last Revision: 05/17/2024


The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must oversee the methods used to transport animals outside the approved housing locations to ensure safety of the animals and personnel. In addition, species-specific transportation requirements or biohazard containment requirements may apply to the movement of animals outside the housing location. This policy provides expectations for the discrete and safe movement of animals, methods to reduce the risk of zoonosis, and personnel’s exposure to hazardous agents and allergens.


  • Public area: Any area that may be accessible to the public. (i.e. roadways, sidewalks, hallway, corridors).
  • Hazardous animal: Animals involved in research activities using radioactive isotopes, chemicals, and/or biologic agents requiring containment at an animal biosafety level (ABSL) 2 or 3.
  • Containment : Refers to methods of securing and isolating animals to minimize personnel exposure to animal allergens, zoonotic agents, and other hazards.


  • Animals must be transported discreetly if movement through public areas cannot be avoided.
    • Devices used for transport must be safe, escape-proof, allow for air exchange for terrestrial species, and of an appropriate size for the species. The temperature should be maintained between 45-85° F during movement unless the animals have been acclimated to temperatures outside that range.
    • Review Guidance for the Movement of Animals Outside the Housing Facility for species-specific examples.
    • Animals transported while anesthetized must be covered but should still allow access for monitoring and intervention when needed.
  • When applicable, a water source should be provided to rodents if the cage is removed from an automatic watering rack for more than 8 hours.
  • The IACUC must inspect all vehicles/trailers used for animal transport on a regular basis. University owned; dedicated animal transport vehicles/trailers should be utilized whenever possible.
    • Animals must never be transported via public transportation such as shuttles, CABS, ride-share vehicles and buses, or on motorcycles, scooters, or bicycles.
    • Use of a vehicle/trailer not owned by the university, or an Ohio State vehicle not dedicated to animal movement must be approved by IACUC (review Guidance for the Movement of Animals Outside the Housing Facility) and the vehicle/trailer must meet the following:
      • No other species/animals or personal items (groceries, clothing, etc.) can be in the holding space when animal cages/container are present.
      • Containment devices must be secured during transport to prevent movement within the vehicle.
      • Surfaces that contact animals and/or animal waste must be able to be sanitized or discarded after transport.
      • Vehicle/Trailer must be temperature controlled or with proper ventilation sufficient to meet temperature needs for the species.
      • To add a personal vehicle to the IACUC protocol, submit an amendment with the vehicle added as a “animal use location.”
  • The transport of hazardous animals and/or cages (occupied and empty) must comply with the applicable Animal Hazard Safety Protocol (AHSP), Institutional Biosafety Protocol (IBC), Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP), or Radiation Safety Plan. NOTE: University owned; dedicated animal transport vehicles/trailers are required for the movement of ABSL-2 animals and radioactive animals (both deceased and living).
  • The route of animal movement through human patient areas must be described in the IACUC protocol. The research team is responsible for ensuring any additional OSUWMC approval is obtained when coordinating activities in the Hospital (e.g. Imaging within the Wexner Medical Center).
  • Any adverse event that impacts animal health or results in animal escape during transport must be promptly reported to the IACUC (

Spills or Animal Escape

  • In the case of a spill (bedding, urine, feces, or other animal products) the individual (s) transporting the animals is responsible for cleaning up the affected area. Communication with building cleaning services and/or the animal housing facility staff may be necessary to obtain supplies for clean-up.
  • Spills involving an ABSL-2 animal or cage (occupied or empty) must be reported to the IBC using the online Qualtrics form as per the Biohazard Incident Reporting Policy.
  • Spills involving a radioactive animal or carcass must follow the The Radiation Safety Standards for The Ohio State University.

Applicable Regulations

Additional Information/Guidance

Guidance for the Movement of Animals Outside the Housing Facility

Revision History

  • 051-00 – new policy approved 10/18/2013
  • 051-01 – prohibit movement of BSL-2 or higher animals in personal vehicles; require description, justification and approval to transport any other animals in personal vehicles 01/17/2014
  • 051-02 – Added radiation safety information. Removed Transport containers should be discarded or sanitized shortly after transport is completed. Added link to IACUC Guidance document 02/17/2017
  • 051-03 – Added information on transport of animals requiring ABSL-2 or higher containment, added and defined hazardous animals 03/20/2020 
  • 051-04 – Added allowances to except the need for a transport cover for rodent cages 03/19/2021
  • 051-05 – Significant updates and reformatting with guidance document updated concurrently 5/17/2024
Movement of Animals Outside the Animal Housing Location