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Huron IRB - Update Study Details for a Single-Site or Multi-Site External Study

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Use Update Study Details to make changes to an approved, single- or multi-site external study based on what the external IRB approved. The resulting External Update will be found in the study’s Follow-on Submissions tab.

Update External Study Details

  1. In the Top Navigator, click IRB and then Submissions.
  2. Click the External IRB tab and open the study.
    • Note: The active external studies are in the External IRB state.
  3. Click the Update Study Details button. 
  4.  Summarize the updates, click Continue, then make changes to the study.

Your updated study details have been submitted, and you can log off the system. To complete the process, an IRB Coordinator will finalize the update to verify you have updated the study record.

Tip: To find your External Update in the Submissions page:

  1. Click IRB (in the top navigation bar).
  2. Click Submissions.
  3. Click the External IRB tab.

You can also find the External Update by clicking the Follow-on Submissions tab in the study’s workspace.

Huron IRB - Update Study Details for a Single-Site or Multi-Site External Study