Huron IRB - Create and Submit a Continuing Review or Modification

You can submit a Continuing Review (CR), a modification, or both combined:

Create a CR or Modification

  1. In the Top Navigator, click IRB and then Submissions.
  2. On the IRB page, click the Active tab and open the approved study.
  3. Click the Create Modification/CR button.
  4. Select whether the submission is a CR, a modification, or a combination.
  5. Pay attention to the following question:
  6. Complete the pages. Click Continue to move through the pages and Finish on the last page.
  7. From the workspace, click Submit.
  8. Click OK to agree to the terms.
  9. Type your login credentials and click Submit.

You can log off the system. Your modification or CR has been submitted.

Note: To find your modifications and CRs, go to the Submissions page (In the Top Navigator, click IRB and then Submissions), and then the Follow-On Submissions tab.

Article ID: 89
Created: February 13, 2025
Last Updated: February 13, 2025

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