Food and Fluid Restrictions

IACUC Policy:  033-04, Effective Date: 04/18/2008, Last Revision: 05/17/2024


Certain experimental paradigms require the use of food or water restriction. Restriction of food or fluid for experimental purposes requires justification and description in the animal use protocol.

Note that pre-anesthetic fasting, when indicated, will be determined in consultation with the clinical veterinarian and does not require justification. 



  1. Animal use protocols employing food or water restriction must provide the duration of restriction, level of restriction, and justification for the restriction as part of the protocol description. When used, care should be taken to ensure the period and degree of restriction are the minimum required to accomplish the research objectives.
  2. The early removal criteria must provide methods to assess the animal’s health while on restriction. Typically, this will require a frequent monitoring method such as daily weighing of the animal, assessment of hydration, and documentation of daily food / fluid consumption. 
  3. Information must be provided at the cage level indicating when the restriction begins and ends. 

Revision History


Article ID: 64
Created: June 14, 2024
Last Updated: June 14, 2024

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