Standard Adverse Effects and Early Removal Criteria

IACUC Policy: 036-08, Effective Date: 11/01/2009, Last Revision: 11/17/2023


This policy provides standard early removal criteria (ERC) which apply to all research and teaching protocols at The Ohio State University unless exceptions have been scientifically justified and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

Early removal criteria are predetermined criteria, utilized as a basis for euthanasia prior to the planned study endpoint in an effort to minimize pain and or distress to the animals while enabling scientific goals to be met. Ideally, experimental endpoints occur with minimal or no adverse effects, pain, or distress to the animal. In some cases however, studies will result in pain/distress in order to accomplish the scientific objectives. Furthermore, the IACUC recognizes that experimentally induced or spontaneous clinical signs in animals may be unexpected or otherwise not specifically identified in the IACUC protocol. Consultation with the veterinary staff is expected when unanticipated adverse effects are observed.


Additional Information/Guidance

Revision History

Article ID: 43
Created: May 20, 2024
Last Updated: July 3, 2024

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