Documentation of Husbandry Procedures

IACUC Policy: 044-06, Effective Date: 01/18/2013, Last Revision: 04/15/2022 


The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requires documentation of animal care procedures and verification of environmental conditions for animals maintained in confined housing conditions.



In most cases, animal care staff document tasks completed in core vivaria or facilities. When animals are cared for by investigator staff within dedicated housing or maintained in investigator housing areas, documentation becomes the responsibility of the individual completing the action. For example, investigators providing feed or water to their animals (in the case of a special diet or food/water restriction study) or changing cages within the University Laboratory and Animal Resources (ULAR) vivarium must document these activities themselves at the cage or room level as appropriate (i.e., purple card stock, room calendar). A completed work schedule/log sheet/electronic log is required for satellite housing areas. When not defined here, activities must be performed at frequencies defined in the IACUC-approved protocol, standard maintenance procedures (SMPs) or standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Documentation Needed for All Species

Additional Documentation Required 

Terrestrial Animals (Biomedical Research)

Aquatic and Semi Aquatic Species

* For areas with automated alarm systems, which alert personnel in the case of excursions, manual recording of exact temperatures (i.e. hi, low, current) is not required

Applicable Regulations

Revision History

Article ID: 25
Created: April 10, 2024
Last Updated: July 3, 2024

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