Rodent Anesthesia and Analgesia Guideline

Office of Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian Guideline, Revised 11/17/2022

This guideline discusses rodent anesthesia and analgesia options and gives examples of recommended analgesic plans based on anticipated level of pain from a procedure. Veterinary consultation prior to IACUC protocol submission is strongly encouraged.

Inhalant Anesthesia

Isoflurane is the preferred general anesthetic agent for most procedures in rodents due to its wide safety margin, ease of administration, rapid titration, and quick recovery after exposure has ended.

Table 1: Recommended rodent inhalation anesthesia agents
Drug(s) Dose (conc.) Frequency Route Recommendations/Notes
Isoflurane RECOMMENDED 4-5% induction
1-2% maintenance
Continuous Inhalant
  • Isoflurane machines are available for use within ULAR spaces. Oxygen is provided and the machines are maintained by ULAR staff.
  • Isoflurane machines are available for rent through

Injectable Anesthesia

Table 2: Recommended rodent injectable anesthesia agents
Drug(s) Dose - Mouse (mg/kg) Dose - Rat (mg/kg) Frequency Route Recommendations/Notes
Once, redose with ⅓ to ½ ketamine dose alone IP
  • Lasts for ~20-30 minutes
  • Individual response may vary greatly
Once, redose with ⅓ to ½ ketamine dose alone IP
  • Atropine may be given to counteract cardiovascular effects of xylazine
Xylazine/ Acepromazine
Once, redose with ⅓ to ½ ketamine dose alone IP
  • Acepromazine may be added when deeper/longer anesthesia is required (lasts ~30-40 minutes)
Ketamine/ Dexmedetomidine 50-75/ 0.5-1 50-75/
0.25- 0.5
Once, redose with ⅓ to ½ ketamine dose alone IP
  • Lasts for ~20-30 minutes
  • May not produce a surgical plane of anesthesia

Example preparation

Note: when preparing dilutions, follow appropriate labeling requirements documented in the IACUC Policy, Use of Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds in Animals and Labeling Expectations.

Anesthetic Reversal Agents

Table 3: Rodent anesthetic reversal agents
Drug(s) Dose (mg/kg) Frequency Route Recommendations/Notes
Atipamezole RECOMMENDED 0.5-2 mg/kg Once IP, SC
  • Can be used to reverse xylazine or dexmedetomidine
Yohimbine 1-2 mg/kg Once IP
  • Can be used to reverse xylazine

Systemic Analgesics

Mouse Systemic Analgesic Dosing and Recommendations

Table 4: MOUSE systemic analgesic dosing and recommendations
Drug Mouse Dose Frequency Route Recommendations/Notes
Carprofen NSAID
(e.g., Rimadyl®,
OstiFen™, Carprieve®) RECOMMENDED
5 mg/kg Every 12-24 hours SC
  • Stock solution: 50 mg/ml injectable carprofen (requires refrigeration)
  • 0.5 mg/ml dilution: 0.1 ml carprofen (50 mg/ml) + 9.9 ml sterile saline
  • May store and use at room temperature up to 60d11
  • Dosing: Give 0.25 ml of the 0.5 mg/ml dilution per 25g body weight
Carprofen NSAID
(e.g., Rimadyl®,
OstiFen™, Carprieve®)
5 mg/kg/day Change water every 7 days Water bottle
  • Stock solution: 50 mg/ml injectable carprofen (requires refrigeration)
  • 0.025 mg/ml water bottle: add 0.13 ml carprofen (50 mg/ ml) to 250 ml RO water
Meloxicam NSAID
(e.g., Metacam®, Meloxidyl®)
5 mg/kg Every 12 hours SC
  • Stock solution: 5 mg/ml injectable meloxicam
  • 0.5 mg/ml dilution: 1.0 ml meloxicam (5 mg/ml) + 9.0 ml sterile saline
  • Dosing: Give 0.25 ml of the 0.5 mg/ml dilution per 25g body weight
Meloxicam NSAID
(e.g., Metacam®, Meloxidyl®)
5 mg/kg Every 24 hours PO
  • Stock solution: 1.5 mg/ml oral meloxicam suspension
  • Dosing: administer 0.08 ml via oral gavage or installation per 25g mouse
Ibuprofen NSAID
(e.g., Children’s Motrin®)
40 mg/kg/day Change water 2X per week Water bottle
  • Stock solution: 100 mg/ 5 ml oral ibuprofen suspension
  • 0.2 mg/ml water bottle: add 2.5 ml ibuprofen (100 mg/ 5 ml) to 250 ml RO water
Buprenorphine ER-LAB extended
release opioid
1 mg/kg Every 48 hours SC, between shoulder blades
  • Stock solution: 0.5 mg/ml injectable buprenorphine formulation (compounded by ZooPharm)
  • Dosing: Give 0.05 ml of stock formulation per 25g body weight
  • Must be administered by ULAR staff under a veterinary license
  • Please submit the Buprenorphine SR Injection Request Form to to request administration.
Ethiqa XR® extended release opioid RECOMMENDED 3.25 mg/kg Every 72 hours SC, between shoulder blades
  • Stock solution: 1.3 mg/ml injectable suspension
  • Dosing: Give 0.05 ml of stock solution per 20g body weight
  • Gently shake before drawing up suspension
  • Manufacturer recommends discarding vial 56 days after puncture; do not dilute
  • Able for purchase and administration directly by investigative staff
Buprenorphine HCl Opioid (e.g., Buprenex®) 0.1 mg/kg Every 4-8 hours SC
  • Stock solution: 0.3 mg/ml injectable buprenorphine
  • 0.005 mg/ml dilution: 0.1 ml buprenorphine (0.3 mg/ml) + 5.9 ml sterile saline
  • Dosing: Give 0.5 ml of the 0.005 mg/ml dilution per 25g body weight

Rat Systemic Analgesic Dosing and Recommendations

Table 5: RAT systemic analgesic dosing and recommendations
Drug Rat Dose Frequency Route Recommendations/Notes
Carprofen NSAID
(e.g., Rimadyl®,
OstiFen™, Carprieve®)
5 mg/kg Every 24 hours SC
  • Stock solution: 50 mg/ml injectable carprofen (requires refrigeration)
  • 2.5 mg/ml dilution: 0.2 ml carprofen (50 mg/ml) + 3.8 ml sterile saline
  • May store and use at room temperature up to 60d11
  • Dosing: Give 0.2 ml of the 2.5 mg/ml dilution per 100g body weight
Carprofen NSAID
(e.g., Rimadyl®,
OstiFen™, Carprieve®)
5 mg/kg/day Change water every 7 days Water bottle
  • Stock solution: 50 mg/ml injectable carprofen (requires refrigeration)
  • 0.05 mg/ml water bottle: add 0.4 ml carprofen (50 mg/ml) to 400 ml RO water
Meloxicam NSAID
(e.g., Metacam®, Meloxidyl®)
2 mg/kg Every 24 hours SC
  • Stock solution: 5 mg/ml injectable meloxicam
  • Dosing: Give 0.04 ml of the 5 mg/ml stock meloxicam per 100g body weight
Meloxicam NSAID
(e.g., Metacam®, Meloxidyl®)
2 mg/kg Every 24 hours PO
  • Stock solution: 1.5 mg/ml oral suspension
  • Dosing: administer 0.13 ml via oral gavage or installation per 100g body weight
  • Note: Most rats will readily consume the suspension and do not require gavage
Ibuprofen NSAID
(e.g., Children’s Motrin®)
20 mg/kg/day Change water 2X per week Water bottle
  • Stock solution: 100 mg/ 5 ml oral ibuprofen suspension
  • 0.2 mg/ml water bottle: add 4.0 ml ibuprofen (100 mg/ 5 ml) to 400 ml RO water
Buprenorphine ER-LAB extended release opioid RECOMMENDED 1.2 mg/kg Every 48-72 hours SC, dorsal
  • Stock solution: 1 mg/ml injectable buprenorphine formulation (compounded by ZooPharm)
  • Dosing: Give 0.12 ml of stock formulation per 100g body weight
  • Must be administered by ULAR staff under a veterinary license
  • Submit the Buprenorphine SR Injection Request Form to to request administration.
Ethiqa XR® extended release opioid RECOMMENDED 0.65 mg/kg Every 72 hours SC, dorsal
  • Stock solution: 1.3 mg/ml injectable suspension
  • Dosing: Give 0.05 ml of stock solution per 100g body weight
  • Gently shake before drawing up suspension
  • Manufacturer recommends discarding vial 56 days after puncture; do not dilute
  • Able for purchase and administration directly by investigative staff
Buprenorphine HCl Opioid (e.g., Buprenex®) 0.05 mg/kg Every 6-8 hours SC
  • Stock solution: 0.3 mg/ml injectable buprenorphine
  • 0.03 mg/ml dilution: 0.1 ml buprenorphine (0.3 mg/ml) + 0.9 ml sterile saline
  • Dosing: Give 0.2 ml of the 0.03 mg/ml dilution per 100g body weight

Local Anesthetics

Table 6: Rodent local anesthetic dosing and recommendations
Drug Rodent Dose Duration of Action Notes
Lidocaine (e.g. Xylocaine®) 2 mg/kg < 1 hour (~5-minute onset)
  • Stock solution: 1-2% (10-20 mg/ml)
  • May need to dilute with sterile saline into working solution for mice
  • Do not exceed 7 mg/kg dose
(e.g. Marcaine®, Senorcaine®)
1 mg/kg 4-8 hours (~20-minute onset)
  • Stock solution: 0.25-0.5% (2.5-5 mg/ml)
  • May need to dilute with sterile saline into working solution for mice
  • Do not exceed 8 mg/kg dose
extended release bupivacaine
5.3 mg/kg 72 hours
  • Stock solution: 13.3 mg/ml
  • May need to dilute with sterile saline into working solution for mice
  • Use bottle within 4 hours of puncture; recent study2 shows it may be used up to 4 days when aliquoted aseptically

Suggested Analgesic Plans

Table 7: Minimum analgesic recommendations based on anticipated pain level
Level of Pain or Distress Mild Moderate Severe
Procedure examples Small skin incision with minimal tissue manipulation; skin biopsy Castration (scrotal approach); intracranial injection; ovariectomy (dorsal approach) Procedures requiring a thoracotomy (opening the chest cavity) or laparotomy (opening the abdomen)
Minimum pharmacologic analgesia 1 dose of an NSAID or opioid at the time of the procedure 48 hours of NSAID or opioid analgesia (continue as needed) +/- local anesthetic 48 hours of both NSAID and opioid analgesia (continue as needed) +/- local anesthetic

Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions

Adjunct (non-pharmaceutical) interventions may reduce pain and distress in the post-operative period and must be considered. Examples of non-pharmaceutical interventions include: Gentle handling of the awake rodents and minimization of stress before a procedure

Post-Operative Monitoring and Pain Assessment


  1. American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. (2016). ACLAM Position Statement: Guidelines for the assessment and Management of Pain in Rodents and Rabbits.
  2. Carlson AR, Nixon E, Jacob ME, Messenger KM. (2020). Sterility and Concentration of Liposomal Bupivacaine Single- Use Vial When Used in a Multiple-Dose Manner. Vet Surg 49(4): 772-777.
  3. Carpenter JW. (2018). Exotic Animal Formulary, 5th Ed., Elsevier Saunders, MO.
  4. Flecknell P et al. (2015). Chapter 24: Preanesthesia, Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Euthanasia. Laboratory Animal Medicine, 3rd Ed., Elsevier Academic Press, MA.
  5. Foley PL, Kendall LV, Turner PV. (2019). Clinical Management of Pain in Rodents. JAALAS 69(6): 468-489.
  6. Gaertner DJ, Hallman TM, Hankenson FC, Batchelder MA. (2008). Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, CA.
  7. Janssen CF et al. (2017). Comparison of Atipamezole with Yohimbine for Antagonism of Xylazine in Mice Anesthetized with Ketamine and Xylazine. JAALAS 56(2) 142-147.
  8. Langford DJ, Bailey AL, Chanda ML et al. (2010). Coding of Facial Expressions of Pain in the Laboratory Mouse. Nature Methods 7(6): 447-449.
  9. Navarro KL, Huss M, Smith JC et al. (2021). Mouse Anesthesia: The Art and Science. ILAR Journal, ilab016.
  10. Sotocinal SG, Sorge RE, Zaloum A et al. (2011). The Rat Grimace Scale: A Partially Automated Method for Quantifying Pain in the Laboratory Rat via Facial Expressions. Molecular Pain 7:55.
  11. Xu JJ, Renner DM, Lester PA. (2021). Strength and Sterility of Stock and Diluted Carprofen Over Time. JAALAS 60(4): 470-474.

Article ID: 2
Created: February 13, 2023
Last Updated: July 2, 2024

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