Adding and Removing CITI Courses

Adding CITI Courses

  1. from the My Courses page, click on Ohio State University - View Courses
  2. select Add a Course from the menu
  3. for Question 1, select all courses in which you wish to enroll (choose carefully as not all courses will fulfill your training requirements, and some courses have more than one version to select)
  4. Question 2 only requires a response if you added the Responsible Conduct of Research Course for Question 1 (otherwise, leave this question unanswered)
  5. when all courses have been selected, click Submit to add the course(s)

Course completion will be registered electronically. To view your course completion history, click on Completed Courses from the My Courses page.

Removing CITI Courses

Removing courses from your CITI profile is highly discouraged. Doing so will reset your course cycle and may make you ineligible to take an abbreviated refresher course at your next training expiration. If you believe you have made an error in your course selection, contact the Office of Responsible Research Practices at 614-688-8457 or

Article ID: 11
Created: February 13, 2024
Last Updated: February 27, 2024

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